School dress codes are being enforced every day,but why?
No caps,cell phones, or i pods these policy's are rediculios and hipocritical.
when walking in the hall listening to the newest songs you are interuppeted by a teacher that tells you to put it up then they give you a long talking to about the rules by this time you are already late to class what is the point.
suspension, iss,referrals are all forms of punishments issued out to student who do not turn over the so called innaproprate material.This form of punishment is the worst the student can excel in all there classes but is suspended for having a ipod out in class or not handing over a cap,
The A.I.S.D says they inforce these rules because they do not want unnecessary disttractions,but isnt calling out every student more of a distraction.In reasons studys done by the organization of a better school future they found that 68% of students who listen to music during the school day passed more classes that does who did not.the school district should rethink this policie and replace it with one where both students and teachers can agree