Thursday, October 26, 2006


Carlos Estrada at 16 years old has gone threw more things than most of kids his age, diagnosed with depression, suicide attempts having a bad relationship with his father and so much more. Now being helped by his friends and family his life has changed dramatically.
Sliding his wrist blood dripping down so fast, Carlos had attempted to end his short 14 year old life in which his dad had no influence in.
At 5 years old Carlos realized that he was not going to see his father as much as he wanted, his father had already been arrested two times for possession a third time and he would be spending a good time in jail. Realizing this Carlos Father fled to Mexico, Carlos visited twice a “Dad are you going to go back with me and mom”5 year Carlos asked his father every year until he was old enough to realize his father was a addict and would never be able to be the father figure he desperately wanted. Being supported by a single mother Carlos realized he had to help out once he was in sixth grade he started to experiment with drugs once for his life he had something to rely on he “for the first time ever I felt powerful and needed” Now 11 Carlos decided he could make a profit from this, life style he started dealing to kids all around school he had a criminal record by the age of 12.
“I was so fucking tired that night I was so blowed I couldn’t believe the police didn’t catch me luckily I was sober enough to realize where my house was”
Walking threw the front door that night seeing his mom waiting up for him crying he realized he had become what left him down so many times, his father.
“I love you please just do this for me stop this your not helping anyone you are just hurting yourself” his mother said crying, He tried to quit but by this time he had become hooked on everything he took, one day he realized he was nothing and got a knife from the kitchen counter and slid his wrist.
He was diagnosed with depression once he recovered from the attempt he was checked into shoal creek hospital for children a mental hospital for children with Carlos problem. Given medication for his problem along with a new sense of hope Carlos started his 7th grade year at Mendez middle school.
Now off meds at his junior year of high school at dell valley high school, with an A-B average hopping to attend Texas State University he has the support of his friends and family. “as I look back at my life I am just glad I am still alive”
He finished by telling me that he saw his father at the local H-E-B, he did not go up to him.


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